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导演:Roy Battersby



语言字幕:国语对白 中文字幕


更新时间:2023-12-23 16:42:16


影视简介:Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion. Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq grab suitcases, the computer, and a cardboard box containing bomb making equipment and bolt out the door. Shahid's getaway car is clamped so the three are forced to escape on foot from the pursuing police. Cornered, they dive into a restaurant on a busy city street. It is the Olympus Grill and dinner is being served to its well-heeled clientele. With the police outside, Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq have nowhere to go. Mushtaq, thinking quickly, declares that they will hold the restaurant goers hostage. The diners are forced to get up from their tables where they have been enjoying the delicious Greek cuisine. They are lined up against a wall. Electra, the young waitress, is also forced to stand in line.



影视简介:高度机密是一部电影剧情片的名字.上映中国2005.该影片由Roy Battersby 执导,演员阵容大卫·布拉德利 .高度机密由网友的话:Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion. Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq grab suitcases, the computer, and a cardboard box containing bomb making equipment and bolt out the door. Shahid's getaway car is clamped so the three are forced to escape on foot from the pursuing police. Cornered, they dive into a restaurant on a busy city street. It is the Olympus Grill and dinner is being served to its well-heeled clientele. With the police outside, Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq have nowhere to go. Mushtaq, thinking quickly, declares that they will hold the restaurant goers hostage. The diners are forced to get up from their tables where they have been enjoying the delicious Greek cuisine. They are lined up against a wall. Electra, the young waitress, is also forced to stand in line.



名字:仙学文 《高度机密》中文国语高清在线观看导演的手法平淡,缺乏创新。 53小时前
名字:乔桐欣 《高度机密》在线观看免费 特效制作精良,场景设定恢宏壮观,给观众带来震撼的视觉体验。 51小时前
名字:茹绍祺 《高度机密》中文国语高清在线观看 演员们的表演都很到位,但整体情感的把握略显不足,使得角色的内心世界显得有些空洞。 6小时前
名字:兰霞影 《高度机密》免费观看大全 特效和动作场面设计得非常逗趣,简直是一场喜剧大餐。 96小时前
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名字:蒉云岚 《高度机密》电视剧免费看 尽管有些笑料有点过火,但整体效果依然令人欢乐。 72小时前
名字:图门忆曼 《高度机密》在线观看免费版 影片的音响效果十分震撼,增强了气氛的紧张感。 56小时前
名字:业友灵 《高度机密》电视剧免费看 整体氛围非常独特,给人一种身临其境的感觉,仿佛置身于另一个世界。 71小时前
名字:康雅丽 《高度机密》电影免费版中文 影片中的幽默元素太逗了!😂 笑声不断,观众笑得合不拢嘴。🤣😆 69小时前
名字:庾胤 《高度机密》电影免费版中文 特效场景的设计非常精美,每一个细节都让人印象深刻。 5小时前
名字:叔易槐 《高度机密》在线观看免费 这部电影的情感渲染十分到位,观众不由自主地产生共鸣。 64小时前
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名字:百逸 《高度机密》迅雷下载 每个角色都很生动。 88小时前
名字:史帝文斯 《高度机密》国语HD高清百度云 演员表演普通,没有特别突出的地方。 6小时前
名字:扬恩 《高度机密》在线观看免费版 "劇本的精心編寫和角色設定使得每個人物都變得鮮活和立體,讓觀眾對他們的命運產生濃厚的興趣和好奇心。" 47小时前
名字:门齐心 《高度机密》免费观看大全 影片的音乐配乐非常恰当,为故事增添了不少情感。 7小时前
名字:廖士贤 《高度机密》免费看 演员表演普通,缺乏感染力。 34小时前
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