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主演:卡提克·亚利安 阿姆鲁塔·苏巴什 威什瓦吉特·普拉丹 维卡斯·库马尔




语言字幕:国语对白 中文字幕


更新时间:2024-03-23 19:53:57


影视简介:Reassigned from TV to radio, a frustrated anchor sees both danger and opportunity when he receives threatening calls on the air.by:www.qujuji.com   Electronic Media Exposed   Anwar Says : An Anchor is an actor , Actor needs audience and audience need drama, these three lines expose the electronic media today in Ram Madhvani's release today DHAMAKA at Netflix. A remake of 2013 Korean Film 'The Terror Live 'and shot in only 10 days and the credit goes to Neerja and Aarya director and the Superstar in making Kartik Aaryan.   Madhvani idea of filming is at loggerheads with the area the film is traversing, he is more into explosion , probably since the title is Dhamaka . I liked the way Aaryan Khan's initial life has been shown in the opening song . No other cast has been given much exposure and passing on the buck is the way of corporate life has been perfectly narrated . At points the movie seems going slow but suddenly picks up . Madhvani has been able to drumming up the tensions and also able to sustain it .   A new trend set by Madhvani , the main cast carries the whole movie on his/her shoulder, whether it was Sonam Kapur or Sushmita Sen and now Kartik Aarayan . Watch it today after India- Newzealand 20-20 for stealing performance of Aaryan.   #Netflix #anwarsays #DhamakaOnNetflix #kartikaaryan #movie2021 #moviereview #RamMadhvani #ElectronicMedia #sealink #explosion #tvanchor.



影视简介:爆炸新闻Dhamaka是一部电影动作片的名字.上映中国2021.该影片由拉姆·麦德拉瓦尼 执导,演员阵容卡提克·亚利安 阿姆鲁塔·苏巴什 威什瓦吉特·普拉丹 维卡斯·库马尔 .爆炸新闻Dhamaka由网友的话:Reassigned from TV to radio, a frustrated anchor sees both danger and opportunity when he receives threatening calls on the air.by:www.qujuji.com   Electronic Media Exposed   Anwar Says : An Anchor is an actor , Actor needs audience and audience need drama, these three lines expose the electronic media today in Ram Madhvani's release today DHAMAKA at Netflix. A remake of 2013 Korean Film 'The Terror Live 'and shot in only 10 days and the credit goes to Neerja and Aarya director and the Superstar in making Kartik Aaryan.   Madhvani idea of filming is at loggerheads with the area the film is traversing, he is more into explosion , probably since the title is Dhamaka . I liked the way Aaryan Khan's initial life has been shown in the opening song . No other cast has been given much exposure and passing on the buck is the way of corporate life has been perfectly narrated . At points the movie seems going slow but suddenly picks up . Madhvani has been able to drumming up the tensions and also able to sustain it .   A new trend set by Madhvani , the main cast carries the whole movie on his/her shoulder, whether it was Sonam Kapur or Sushmita Sen and now Kartik Aarayan . Watch it today after India- Newzealand 20-20 for stealing performance of Aaryan.   #Netflix #anwarsays #DhamakaOnNetflix #kartikaaryan #movie2021 #moviereview #RamMadhvani #ElectronicMedia #sealink #explosion #tvanchor.



名字:酒德曜 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》中文国语高清在线观看 演员们的表演真是太棒了,尤其是那个搞笑角色,简直让人捧腹大笑。 17小时前
名字:祈霖 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》电视剧免费看 特效处理一般,缺乏细节。 26小时前
名字:茹阳焱 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》迅雷下载 特效场景的设计非常用心,每一个画面都充满了视觉冲击力。 34小时前
名字:谢慕雁 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》免费高清在线观看 尽管影片时而幽默,时而悲伤,但情感过渡自然,不会让人觉得突兀。 64小时前
名字:诺修伟 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》电视剧免费观看 主演们的出色表演令人动容,音效配乐动听,场景美轮美奂,是一部令人难忘的经典之作。 16小时前
名字:府彤 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》中文国语高清在线观看这部电影剧情曲折,情感真挚,演员表现出色,场景壮观,是一部感人至深的佳作。 96小时前
名字:纳喇朝旭 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》在线观看免费版高清 特效场景的制作太逗了,简直是一场视觉盛宴! 40小时前
名字:梁丘旭辉 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》在线观看免费版高清 这部电影的结局出人意料,但却合情合理,给人留下了深刻印象。 92小时前
名字:东于哲 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》下载 主演的表演简直是一绝!👏 他们的演技让我笑得喘不过气来。😆🎭 83小时前
名字:老雅素 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》免费观看大全 影片的音响效果十分逗趣,为观众带来了一场听觉盛宴。 46小时前
名字:李承铉 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》免费观看大全 www.jiejing1688.com 也有 70小时前
名字:皮曜瑞 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》免费观看大全 配乐悦耳动听,为影片增添了不少情感色彩。🎶 52小时前
名字:宏才良 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》在线观看免费版 特效的制作虽然用心,但细节处理方面有所不足,有些场景显得过于做作,使得影片的真实感稍显不足。 58小时前
名字:韶开 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》在线观看免费版高清 尽管影片有些地方显得有些拖沓,但整体观影体验依然非常愉悦,是一部值得一看的佳作。 6小时前
名字:花代容 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》电视剧免费看 视觉效果方面给人留下深刻印象,但缺乏独特的艺术风格,显得有些平庸。 27小时前
名字:圣醉香 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》极之战高清在线观 影片的音响效果太逗了,为整体气氛增添了不少喜剧色彩。 92小时前
名字:毓虹星 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》电视剧免费看 主演的演技惊人!👏 每个角色都表现得淋漓尽致。🎭🌟 14小时前
名字:党芷文 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》风扇怎么样 视听盛宴,影片结构紧凑,节奏明快,情节跌宕起伏,引人入胜,是一部极具观赏性的佳作。 62小时前
名字:安在懋 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》电影免费观看 虽然影片有些小瑕疵,但整体质量仍然很高,值得一看。 4小时前
名字:司寇虹英 《爆炸新闻Dhamaka》免费高清在线观看 影片的音响效果太逗了,为整体气氛增添了不少喜剧色彩。 90小时前


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